Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Email from my Sociology instructor regarding my paper.

Sociology 110
Research Paper - On time
Student: Jessica Stallings

Subject: Modern Racism in the United States


The title page is correctly formatted.

The Table of Contents is correctly formatted.

The Abstract is sufficient although I would have like to have seen a short review of your resources here.

The body of your work is superb! You produced an exceptional research paper! I found no grammatical errors and your formatting is excellent.

Your bibliography/ works cited page meets the requirements of the assignment. It is common for the author's first name to be included in the citation and the date of publishing or accessing on the internet is generally listed at the end of the individual citation.

Title Page: .................... 5/5
Table of Contents: ........ 5/5
Abstract: ...................... 10/10
Body of Research: ........ 50/50
Bibliography: ............... 29/30

Total: ........................... 99/100

Overall, I commend you for your excellent work. Your topic is very difficult to write about and do extensive research on. Congratulations on a well-written research paper!


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