Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weight struggles.

I've been struggling with my weight all of my adult life.

The most I've weighed is 175 lbs., which is well above healthy for my height and age.

As of before lunch, I'm at 168. Between my mother-in-law and Tyler, I seem to be holding about that. First, Ty buys me strawberry crepes as a thank you for being his designated driver on his birthday, then my mother-in-law has me bake this absolutely disgustingly rich cake. The beginning of my diet just really sucked.

But, I'm sick of not fitting into my clothes, and it's cheaper to lose weight than buy new clothes. Also, with our Burning Man trip coming up, I'd like to be able to bikini top/sports bra it when it gets too damn hot, without feeling like a tub of lard.

I'm not THAT big, but with my still-low self-esteem, I may as well be.

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